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This year’s theme is 'Be yourself. Don’t let a scammer be you' 

Scams Awareness Week 2020

Did you know that scams cost Australians, businesses, and the economy hundreds of millions of dollars each year and that’s just the ones reported?

As scammers become smarter and we continue to do more things online it’s important to understand how you can identify, protect from and report scams so others don’t fall victim.

Scams Awareness Week is a national ACCC campaign and this year’s theme 'Be yourself. Don’t let a scammer be you' focuses on personal information and identity crime and ways in which you can protect your personal and financial information in an increasingly digital environment.

All scams have the potential for identity theft, and Scams Awareness Week highlights the most common scams. Identity theft is a type of fraud that involves using someone else's identity to steal money or gain other benefits.

With your personal information, scammers can:

Before stealing your identity scammers will target your personal information. Watch out for the following signs:

Warning signs that your identity has been compromised

Have you been scammed?

If you think you have provided your account details, passport, tax file number, licence, Medicare or other personal identification details to a scammer, contact your bank, financial institution, or other relevant agencies immediately.

© Commonwealth of Australia.