My Credit Union



Scams are getting more and more sophisticated, particularly when it comes to targeting you online and through mobile devices.

“Don’t share this code with anyone, it’s a defence against fraud”

This is the message we send to all members who use our one time password system to protect their account. Almost all fraud can be avoided by not giving out pass codes. Don’t let the fraudsters win, simply don’t give out passwords or pass codes.

What is a scam?

Scams can come in many forms but all are designed to steal your money. They do this by getting you to reveal your personal details or stealing your information. This information is usually your PIN and/or passwords. In recent months scams reported by members have been from callers pretending to be from Telstra, NBN and Internet providers, computer companies, investment companies and the Australian Taxation Office. Romance scams continue to be experienced by our members using dating web sites.

How to protect yourself against scams?

There are some important steps you can take to reduce the risk of being ripped off by scammers. By reviewing the following points we hope you will become “ScamSmart” and are better prepared to protect yourself:

Further information regarding how to protect against current scams can be obtained from the government website If you have any questions please get in touch on 13 61 91.